Type alias listing all the vanilla structure string types.
Used in "exploration_map"
loot table entry function's JSON description.
Type alias for the InnerCore's BlockSource to fix names conflicting in KEX.BlockSource declaration.
Type alias for the InnerCore's BlockState to fix names conflicting in KEX.BlockState declaration.
Object used in KEX.LootModule to specify some quantity ranges, like item count, data/damage, number of loot pool rolls etc.
Type alias listing all the vanilla potion effect string types. Used in Item.FoodEffect.name.
Type alias listing all the string food saturation modifiers defined by vanilla.
= 0.2"low"
= 0.6"normal"
= 1.2"good"
= 1.6"max"
= 2.0"supernatural"
= 2.4Type alias to mark that KEX.TickingAreasManager and KEX.ChunksModule methods can take the dimension in three representations:
Type alias to mark that both Java and JS string can be used as a parameter somewhere.
Used in all methods imported from Java containing String
Generated using TypeDoc
Type alias listing all the vanilla enchantment string types. Used in
loot table entry function's JSON description.