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Kernel Extension v5.0 API


Type Aliases

EnchantTypes: "protection" | "fire_protection" | "feather_falling" | "blast_protection" | "projectile_protection" | "thorns" | "respiration" | "aqua_affinity" | "depth_strider" | "sharpness" | "smite" | "bane_of_arthropods" | "knockback" | "fire_aspect" | "looting" | "efficiency" | "silk_touch" | "unbreaking" | "fortune" | "power" | "punch" | "flame" | "infinity" | "luck_of_the_sea" | "lure" | "frost_walker" | "mending" | "binding_curse" | "vanishing_curse" | "impaling" | "riptide" | "loyalty" | "channeling"

Type alias listing all the vanilla enchantment string types. Used in "specific_enchants" loot table entry function's JSON description.

FeatureTypes: "buriedtreasure" | "endcity" | "fortress" | "mansion" | "mineshaft" | "monument" | "pillageroutpost" | "ruins" | "shipwreck" | "stronghold" | "temple" | "village"

Type alias listing all the vanilla structure string types. Used in "exploration_map" loot table entry function's JSON description.

InnerCoreBlockSource: BlockSource

Type alias for the InnerCore's BlockSource to fix names conflicting in KEX.BlockSource declaration.

InnerCoreBlockState: BlockState

Type alias for the InnerCore's BlockState to fix names conflicting in KEX.BlockState declaration.



MinMax: { max: number; min: number }

Object used in KEX.LootModule to specify some quantity ranges, like item count, data/damage, number of loot pool rolls etc.

Type declaration

  • max: number
  • min: number
PotionEffectTypes: "movement_speed" | "movement_slowdown" | "dig_speed" | "dig_slowdown" | "damage_boost" | "heal" | "harm" | "jump" | "confusion" | "regeneration" | "damage_resistance" | "fire_resistance" | "water_breathing" | "invisibility" | "blindness" | "night_vision" | "hunger" | "weakness" | "poison" | "wither" | "health_boost" | "absorption" | "saturation" | "levitation" | "fatal_poison" | "conduit_power" | "slow_falling" | "bad_omen" | "village_hero"

Type alias listing all the vanilla potion effect string types. Used in Item.FoodEffect.name.

VanillaFoodSaturationModifiers: "poor" | "low" | "normal" | "good" | "max" | "supernatural"

Type alias listing all the string food saturation modifiers defined by vanilla.

  • "poor" = 0.2
  • "low" = 0.6
  • "normal" = 1.2
  • "good" = 1.6
  • "max" = 2.0
  • "supernatural" = 2.4
WorldOrDimension: number | BlockSource | Dimension

Type alias to mark that KEX.TickingAreasManager and KEX.ChunksModule methods can take the dimension in three representations:

  • The numeric ID of the dimension
  • The BlockSource object associated with the needed dimension
  • The KEX.Dimension object for the needed dimension
any_string: string | jstring

Type alias to mark that both Java and JS string can be used as a parameter somewhere. Used in all methods imported from Java containing String parameters.

jstring: String

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